My cells need-demand-draw inspiration. My body craves it. I can feel it. It is a pulling-in sensation. It is a drawing-in sensation of energy, of love, of input that my body and mind need to nourish themselves, to gain new strengths, to feel more alive, to experience more fulfillment, more happiness (if that is the correct expression), just more and more. Not more greed, or more selfishness, or more power. But more true inner sensations of growth, fulfillment, warmth, love, connectedness, me-ness.
There is that pulling-in of more of something. What exactly that something is, I can’t identify. There is a need for this “something.” I can feel it at times when I read spiritual books, such as the Kalachakra Tantra, or the Koran. There is some energy that flows into me, and that fills some space within me that I didn’t know had a dip in its energy potential. I did not know that the “glass was not full.” With the new energy, the glass is now full, and it continues to get filled and it is overflowing into a larger vessel that overflows and fills another, larger vessel, and so on.
I can feel it flowing and flowing, filling ever larger vessels and then flowing more and more. It doesn’t stop until I move my attention away from it to some banal thing, such as playing with the dog. (I just typed “dog” the wrong way as “god”). Was this misspelling a Freudian slip or just a habit of typing the word god as I have done many times before in my writings?
The word “god” has definitely more energy for me than “dog.” “God” is a much more expanded energy than “dog.” “God” is less specific. “God” is more encompassing. “God” is a feeling that I crave more than “dog.”
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