Wednesday, November 24, 2021

You are I am

You are thought

I am thought

You are action

I am action

You are feeling

I am feeling

You are will

I am will

You are power

I am power

You are movement

I am movement

You are breath

I am breath

You are sight

I am sight

You are hearing

I am hearing

You are memory

I am memory

You are all that’s been lost

I am all that’s been lost

You are devotion

I am devotion

You are surrender

I am surrender

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Here is to sitting here. Here is to writing here. Here is to being here.

Sitting and writing. Thinking. Sensing my way through my thoughts. Finding clarity. Finding the passage through my brain synapses. The pathway is narrow but enlightening. A collection of synapses firing and there “I am.” Being conscious. Realizing that I exist. Self-awareness. Consciousness in action.

Using modern language to describe reality. Descriptions will always change. Experiences will always change. The core – the inner divinity – will always remain the same, will always remain divine. No need to be religious, only the need to appreciate the uniqueness of existence. Special words are needed to celebrate the extraordinary that appears at times so ordinary. Is water ordinary? Is air ordinary? Are the sun and moon ordinary? Is our galaxy ordinary? Are computers ordinary? Are paintings ordinary?

What is ordinary and what is extraordinary? Is grass ordinary? Are elementary particles ordinary? Is love ordinary? Are thoughts ordinary?

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Self

I write about the Self, the highest Self, the purest Self, the most magnificent Self.

What is the Self? All of this is the Self and yet, none of this is truly the Self.

The Self is all there is. It is to the left and to the right; above and below; before and behind; inside and outside. It drives everything. It is the power in all. It shapes all forms. It has all the time in the world to create.

In fact, it existed before time. Time is measurement of movement in space. It existed before space.

It exists. It is a subtle energy field with a subtle determination to find itself. The “who am I?” question is at the root of its drive for self-expression. This is a spiritual expression.

In the beginning, it is necessary to create the framework of the material world so that more subtle conscious lifeforms can develop. These lifeforms culminate in the human form, where the experience of consciousness can be sharpened to the highest degree.

The “I am That” experience is this culmination of the conscious experience. In order to fully experience this consciousness, it is necessary to mentally detach from all physical manifestations and to dwell only in the pure sense of conscious being.

So, the search of all searches is to find oneself in a state of blissful pure consciousness saturated with a sense of being fully awake.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Reality or The Purpose of My Life

Reality or The Purpose of My Life

There can only one purpose of life and that is the purpose of my life. There cannot be another purpose. All talk and discussion about “the world” and its meaning is meaningless. The only purpose to life is the purpose of my life.

To determine this purpose, I study, I think, I meditate, I write. The more I am concentrated in my own being, the more authentic I become, the more “me” I will be.

I am. The purpose of life is the conscious experience, the Sat-Chit-Ananda experience, the Being-Consciousness-Bliss experience.

To be conscious. Fully conscious. Right now, here, in this moment, the only moment this is possible.

The conscious moment devoid of other meanings but to be conscious. Religion, science, art, literature, thoughts and feelings: all are nothings, phantoms, mirages, fringe elements, useful ladders to ascend or descend into the realm of pure existence.

Where there is nothing, there cannot be meaning.

And yet, there is something. I am surrounded by it. It exists within me and around me. I am a part of it. I am a drop, and it is the ocean. It supports me and I further it. My energies are a necessary element of it.

I exist because of it. I am an expression of its intent. Its intent is to be fully conscious. Its intent is for a full expression of its capabilities. The capabilities that it wrote into the genetic code of all living things. That is its intent, its innermost secret desire. Self-expression. Yearning for self-expression. Desirous of full self-actualization. To truly find out “who it is and what it is capable of.”

Knowledge is all around. From studying anything in-depth, for example, any leaf, one can learn all about the secrets of this universe. Likewise, from studying any human being, one can learn about all the secrets of this universe.

What is the point in learning all these secrets? Studying all the parts of a fine-tuned Swill watch will not tell my anything about the nature of time. In the same way, studying all the parts of this universe will not tell me anything about the nature of existence.

The dictum says: “form follows function.” That is true in all instances, even in the forms of this creation. An apple has a particular form because it fulfills a particular function. An apple’s form is derived from its function(s). All shapes ever created – either by nature or by humans – are expressions of particular functions. There are tools and there are toys. Both are used in their own unique ways. There are functional and non-functional objects. All were created because of a need at a particular time at a particular place.

This is true for the most minuscule grain of salt to the largest heavenly body in existence. The circumstances of the moment create all that exists, has created all that has existed, and will create all that will exist. The moment rules!

It is a timeless moment, a still moment, a moment of focused concentration, of the unfolding of a singular expression of a confluence of energies. For example, the fertilization of a human egg by a human sperm. A singular moment. A singular expression.

In order for new life to exist, the process needs more than one element. Frequently there are two elements involved, a male and a female, or a passive and an active.

When the mind is still, the Reality of life emerges. In this stillness there is the presence of the potent moment. At some point, all activities subside. That is only natural. Activities cannot go on indefinitely. When there is stillness, a kind of recharging takes place. After a while, new energies that have quietly gathered break forth in a display of new possibilities. This is similar to the heating of water in a pot. Little by little the water temperature increases, the water begins to move slightly, until bubbles emerge on the bottom of the pot. With increasing water temperature, the bubbles increase and the activity in the pot increase. The water begins to boil. From stillness to violent activity.

Within the human mind, there is something similar going on. At first there is nothing, then one thought, then many thoughts followed by action. Eventually, the energy will subside, and stillness will set in again.

An example would be a skier who stands on top of a long run. He or she contemplates the run for a while, then pushes off and races down the mountain. For a while the focus in entirely on the skies, the snow, the terrain. Then, when he or she reaches the bottom of the slope, he or she stops. From stillness through activity back to stillness.

All activities begin and end in this way. The “Big Bang” is no exception. This universe began in stillness, developed through violent actions, and will end again in silence.

What the origin of it all is, that cannot be understood. It is a beginningless something that has existed in perpetuity. It is mysterious because it cannot be grasped by the human mind. It is beyond comprehension. Since it is the cause of it all, it also must be the cause of itself.

This means that I am my own cause. I am because I am.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Emptiness is what we seek, not numbness

When we are stressed out, we seek stillness and peace. When we are emotionally distraught, we seek comfort and ease. We desire to become empty, so we don’t feel these discomforts any longer.

Some people try to find this emptiness in drugs or alcohol. Others go so far as to attempt to end their lives to quiet the discomfort within their being.

Some people try to find emptiness in meditation. They attempt to come to the realization of the Emptiness of Inherent Existence. This is the realization that all phenomena that can be experienced are devoid of inherent existence. Behind all phenomena is the radiance and emptiness of the natural consciousness that is pristine now, was pristine in the past, and will be pristine in the future.

Meditation is the way to resolve our stress problems, not drugs or alcohol, not hiding from them in states of unconsciousness. The clear seeing of the emptiness of all phenomena is the only lasting way for us to find true comfort and peace in our lives.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Conscious Breath

The conscious breath is one of the tools we have in this life to clean out our body-mind system before we drift into the natural death spiral.

The more work we do to free our body-mind energies the easier it will be for us to let go of our attachments in the end.

Freedom is all we want. Liberty. The pursuit of happiness. Practicing the conscious breath gives us all of these in abundance.

Breathing appears to be a simple process and it is most natural. We have been doing it since the moment we were born.

What we haven’t been doing is combining our conscious will with the breath. We also have not been paying close attention to the variations in our breathing.

In order to progress on a path that leads to purification of body-mind, we must fully master our breath.

Energy is flowing through the body-mind system all the time. Stagnation or blockages result in either physical or emotional discomforts.

Consciously breathing into these blockages will help dissolve them and thereby ease the discomfort.

Deep conscious belly breathing leads to deep relaxation of the body-mind system. Sinking deeper and deeper into the lowering breath brings more and more relaxation and a spreading sense of ease.

Relaxing the abdominal muscles allows us to sink deeper and deeper into this widening and opening conscious breath. We fill our lungs with the breath of our existence, and we are thankful for it.

We find our sense of identity in this natural function of the in-and outbreath. We are conscious of every nuance of it. We get to know our bodies by following the breath into every part of our bodies. We discover where there are blockages, where there are tensions, where there is discomfort. And we honor those blockages, tensions, and discomforts. And then we see if we can find ways around them, or gently through them, so that our energy can flow freely once again.

This free flow of energy is the way to experience true comfort, true physical and emotional health. Our will and our intention are directing the flow of this energy. We can send it to our head when we have headaches, or our toes when it hurts there. The way we do this, is through the breath. We breathe in consciously into our deep belly, and then on the outbreath, we direct the energy where we want it to go either inside our body-mind system or even outside of it into our environment.

In other words, we can use the energy for healing ourselves or for healing others. Our intention is what determines where the energy goes. First, we store it up in our deep belly, and then we direct it with our intentions and will.

During a physical workout we can direct the energy into our muscles on the outbreath. We breathe in and on the out-breath we contract our muscles and breathe energy into them. Then we hold for a while, then breathe out and relax the muscle. We can choose any of the various muscles or muscle groups of our body.

Another way to use the conscious breath in bodywork is to breathe into each of these muscles or muscles groups while contracting them. We can start at our toes and work our way up to our head, muscle by muscle. This wakes up the muscles. This is a good exercise to do in the morning while still lying in bed.

We need to do all physical exercises while practicing the fully conscious breath. It is important that we adjust our physical exercises so that we can keep breathing slowly through the nose.

Agitated breathing is not what we are striving for. Deep, conscious breathing is our goal. And our intention is always to bring tension release and relaxation to the body-mind system. We want to dissolve stress. We want to bring comfort and ease.

This does not mean that we don’t tax our muscles. We can hold a yoga pose for several minutes until we begin to shake a bit, and still breathe in a calm and relaxed manner, being fully aware of what we are doing.

The intent is always towards clarity, towards opening the energy flow in body-mind. Finding those blockages and actively dissolving them. Sensing the buildup of energy in body-mind. Filling up the body-mind with this energy until we sense the bliss of being, the ecstasy of existing. And then we realize that life is truly exquisite. Every conscious breath brings us to the bliss of existence. We load up on bliss every time we take a breath. We breathe. We exist. We are alive. We are thankful for being. We don’t know how we came to be, but here we are, and we are thankful. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Then there was stillness

Behind the manifestations of the mind, the thoughts and feelings, the worries, and all the other activities of the mind, there is the stillness. It is not something that you attain, it is something that awaits you. It is always there.

The noises of the mind cover it up like the surface ripples distort the clear view of the bottom of the lake. When the wind of the mind has subsided then the stillness becomes noticeable.

In this stillness there no more wanting of anything. You don’t desire to be at some other place or some other time. Happiness and peace are no longer “just around the corner.” Happiness is here, now. Peace is here, now.

This stillness wraps itself around your mind like a soothing blanket. It calms everything down. Worries and fears fade away. You feel that everything is alright, right now. You are happy. There is nothing that you can add to the present state that makes it more alright. There is nothing you can add that makes you happier. You have a sense of completion. You are satisfied.

In this state of stillness there is the notion of gratitude, of giving thanks to the All. You are fully aware in this still state. Your senses sharpen. You have a heightened sense of awareness. You rest in this state of stillness, whether you are actually sitting or moving about.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Oh, Arjuna, it is all there

It can all be found in the superb words of the Bhagavad Gita, the fountainhead of eternal wisdom. In it, invaluable secrets of life are revealed. The wisdom of all ages has entered mortal ears. Human eyes have seen the deepest mysteries of existence. What more does one need in one’s search for fulfillment in life?

What worth does a kingdom have after having learned the truth about life? How much value can one place in the possession of any thing once one has experienced the magnificent beauty of all of existence?

The Gita tells it all. It is all there. Nothing else needs to be known once the treasure chest of the Gita has been opened and its eternal wisdom shared so freely. How fortunate we all are to have the incomparable beings such as Vyasa as well as other sages and saints going back to ancient antiquity who opened their enlightened minds and shared their highest realization with us. The truth is one. The truth is that which we all share. The truth is the existence of all as conscious entity. There is no other. There is only the conscious one. Arjuna, that is the truth.

It is an inner truth as well as an outer truth. We are all one in spirit, and we are all one in body.

There is a stillness within you, oh Arjuna, which is the natural state beyond the active mind. Rest in this stillness. Make this stillness your home. Have the surrounding noises of the world fade away and reside in the inner stillness.

All necessary truths are all contained in the healing waters of the eternally invigorating words of the Bhagavad Gita. The supreme holiness of the individual soul is its main theme. Duty is a secondary feature. Fidelity to the master’s teachings is another.

Devotion to god through the guru is the way to liberation in stillness. That is what the B. G. clearly states. The vision of god comes through the form of the guru. The magnificence of life is shown through the magnificence of the guru. God and guru are revealed as one.

The individual soul and the universal soul are not now, nor have they ever been separated from each other. The part of the eternal universal soul that lives within various bodies is as much eternal as is the universal soul itself. Any piece of eternity is itself eternal.

Why the strange setting of the Bhagavad Gita at the beginning of a war, with the discussion taking place on a battlefield? Spiritual discussions most commonly take place in more placid settings. One possible answer is that the warrior who has faith in Krishna and not faith in the strength of his army will prevail in the contest. He will be victorious, not the one with the most warriors. Krishna gave both sides the choice of either him as a non-fighting charioteer or his whole army. The winning side picked the non-fighting Krishna. Numerical strength does not guarantee a successful campaign. God needs to be on your side for you to truly succeed, even if god lets you do most of the work.