Monday, September 27, 2021

The Self

I write about the Self, the highest Self, the purest Self, the most magnificent Self.

What is the Self? All of this is the Self and yet, none of this is truly the Self.

The Self is all there is. It is to the left and to the right; above and below; before and behind; inside and outside. It drives everything. It is the power in all. It shapes all forms. It has all the time in the world to create.

In fact, it existed before time. Time is measurement of movement in space. It existed before space.

It exists. It is a subtle energy field with a subtle determination to find itself. The “who am I?” question is at the root of its drive for self-expression. This is a spiritual expression.

In the beginning, it is necessary to create the framework of the material world so that more subtle conscious lifeforms can develop. These lifeforms culminate in the human form, where the experience of consciousness can be sharpened to the highest degree.

The “I am That” experience is this culmination of the conscious experience. In order to fully experience this consciousness, it is necessary to mentally detach from all physical manifestations and to dwell only in the pure sense of conscious being.

So, the search of all searches is to find oneself in a state of blissful pure consciousness saturated with a sense of being fully awake.

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