Sunday, February 9, 2020

There Must Be Complete Integrity

There must be complete integrity.
Complete honesty.
Complete openness.
Complete truthfulness.
Complete seeing of what is.
No troublemaking.
No attempt to put anyone down.
Not putting someone on a pedestal.
No self-promoting beyond the truth.
No exaggerations.
Knowing one’s weaknesses.
Knowing one’s dark secrets.
Looking into every corner of one’s mind with the flaming light of observation.
Hiding nothing from oneself.
Being humble in accepting advice.
Being grateful for any help offered.
Knowing the difference between right and wrong.
Always being on the side of life.
Avoid all heroic feelings.
Avoid all over-stimulations.
Always seek out peaceful solutions.
Be as non-hurtful as possible.
Don’t be aggressive.
Don’t be insensitive.
Be respectful towards all.
Don’t be wasteful.
Be appreciative.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Stillness is Bubbling Over:

From nothing comes something. Ideas form in the mind and then become something in the external world. Expressions follow inspirations. Consciousness underlies all of it. There is awareness of it all. This awareness “knows” it all. It makes the world go around. Without this awareness, nothing would ever happen.

The primordial substance has awareness. All mysteries are revealed in this awareness. All mysteries are contained in this awareness. I am revealed in this awareness. You are revealed in this awareness.

Intelligence springs from this awareness.

The primordial substance also contains the drive to create. This drive becomes the will in all living things. The will to live. The will to move forward. The will to accomplish tasks, and so on.

It all originates from the stillness of the mind. The stillness of the mind is always watching, listening, being aware. There is awareness of your actions and your thoughts. Awareness of outer manifestations and inner manifestations: Actions and thoughts.

There is awareness of the intentions. Intentions to support or intentions to tear down. The force of will behind the intentions brings about the results. Strong will – clear results. Weak will – uncertain results.