Sunday, February 17, 2019

Improving Life

We, and that truly means everyone of us, must make efforts to improve the conditions of life.

These efforts are really twofold: a) improve ourselves, and b) improve everything else.

Unless we completely understand our own position in life, we cannot truly have the conviction to go out and improve the conditions of the rest of life.

Often times, we feel inadequate and incomplete in some ways, and we immediately begin by attempting to change our surroundings, by moving the chess pieces around the board. That is not the best way to start. The first question always has to be: “How can I improve myself so that I can find my center again, and with that, my inner strength?” The immediate response should not be: “I am perfect; therefore, you need to change your ways.”

Yes, on some deeper level of existence you are perfect, but so am I. We all are perfect. This equality in perfectness has to be respected by everyone. And if someone acts in ways that cloud this perfectness in any way, then we, all of us, need to bring out this perfection in all of us once again.