Tuesday, August 13, 2019

What is the Truth?

Question: What is the truth?

Answer: The truth about what? Life? Death? Dogs? Cats? Food? People? The planet?

Every aspect of life has its own truth. This truth exists independent of our thinking. We may see a certain truth, a certain value in things, but that does not mean that this is the complete truth.

For example: to some people, the milk is what they see as the most important truth about cows. To others, it is the meat they can bring to market and make a living from. Others like the leather and use it as the basis for their livelihoods.

But what is the ultimate, the highest truth of a cow? That is what we must find out. And we must do the same for all other aspects of life. In all our human endeavors, we must always find out what the highest truth is. This includes our jobs, our professions, our families, our aspirations, our dreams and ambitions.

What is the highest truth in all of them? And also, what is our deepest relationship with these aspects of life? How connected are we? How close are we to life? How much of life do we consider to be a part of us?

We must always inquire and never let up on the search.

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