Thursday, September 27, 2018

For me it is all about energy

There are so many energies in existence. For example: the energy of color. Each color has its own vibration, its own energy.

The energy of these colors influences the energy of my mind, and by extension, my body and my overall sense of being.

Orange is a hot color. Blue a cool color. One agitates my mind, the other calms it down.

Then there is the energy of form. There are straight-edge forms and curvilinear forms. One is less emotional, and therefore cooler, the other more emotional, and therefore warmer.

Cool and warm are some of the basic elements of nature, or better, that is how some of the elements of nature affect me.

Then there is the energetic element of quietness and the element of noisiness.

Actually, all five sense organs have their similar dual experiences, from one extreme to another. From quiet to loud (ears); from cool to hot (eyes); from salty to sweet (tongue); from rough to smooth (skin); from aromatic to stinky (nose).

Generally, I experience life within a tolerable range within these five sense experiences. Life is not generally lived in the extreme areas of sense experiences, but somewhere in a comfortable range.

Yes, there are peak experiences at times, and those are absolutely necessary, otherwise life would appear to be a series of humdrum moments. In fact, life is secretly and actively seeking to experience peak moments. Those peak moments cannot last, however, because otherwise they would cease to be peak moments. A sustained peak moment becomes ordinary after a short while. And then the search for an even higher moment begins anew.

This search for higher and higher peak moments can clearly be seen everywhere. It is in art, in science, in cooking, in writing, in sports, in spirituality, in religion, etc. It is the search for more and deeper fulfillment. It is a search for total fulfillment of one’s inner being.

This search has ultimately nothing to do with outer achievements. It is a completely inner journey for inner fulfillment on the deepest level of one’s existence. It is a search to touch the deepest center within one’s being, at one’s inner core; or, as it sometimes called, one’s soul.

To experience the coolness of blue is stimulating my innermost being through the agency of the eyes, as well as my mind, which is really the neural network of my brain being connected to my eyes. It all takes place in the brain alone. Brain is the translator of sense inputs. Brain is the canvas on which all experiences take place. Subtle stimulation caused by the brain migrates to the center of the brain, where the sense of existence resides. Stimulating this sense of existence is blissful. This bliss is the ultimate aim of all sense inputs. After the sense input has subsided, the bliss remains, if the focus had been on it, and not on the sense input.

Sat Chit Ananda. This is a statement from the Vedic scriptures, meaning: Existence Consciousness Bliss. The Self is Sat Chit Ananda. That is the experience of the human being on its deepest level. There is nothing complicated about it. The complications arise when humans deal with thoughts. What are thoughts? Thoughts are energy fluctuations in the brain that help humans to cope with the world in which they exist. If the environment it too hot, the mind tells them to go and turn on the AC, to cool the place down. Etc. Thoughts are energy fluctuations that arise out of the need of the moment.

Thoughts and feelings are the ripples on the surface of the ocean of Existence Consciousness Bliss. They are not the ocean, although they can be an interface to help humans to connect to the deeper layers of their being. The thinking and feeling mind is the interface between the inner world of the brain and the outer world of the senses. There is the subtle mind that connects to the pure experience of Existence Consciousness Bliss, and the grosser mind that connects to the sense objects.

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