Friday, October 19, 2012

Karma Acceleration

What is karma acceleration and how is it done?
Karma acceleration has at its underlying principle the belief that all people can attain spiritual liberation or spiritual enlightenment in their lifetimes. You do not have to wait for a time after your death to experience the bliss of the kingdom of heaven. You can experience it while you are still in your body.
All embodied souls eventually attain spiritual liberation. It’s just a matter of time. The accumulated karma will slowly be overcome and liberation will occur. That is the natural process of spiritual evolution. It cannot be stopped. But, you can add karma instead of burning it up. Or, you can get stuck in a cycle of karma for an extended period of time.
The moment you are making a commitment to accelerating your karma you will notice a definite speed-up in your experiences in life.
Karma gets accumulated in your search for an identity. “Who am I?” That is the question we all have to find an answer to at some point in life. This quest for an identity underlies all of our activities, although we may not be aware of it.
When we get this shiny new car, we identify with it and so create an attachment to it. That is karma. When we see a tempting donut and just have to have it, we are creating an attachment to it and that creates karma. Over time we have created so many attachments that it is difficult for us to image a life without them. We have become stuck in the outer things of this world. The image we have of “us” is someone who cannot exist without these things. Who would we be if we were to lose these identifications? Who would you be if you had to give back the shiny new car? Who would you be if you never again ate another donut? Who would you be if your relationship with your spouse would come to an end?
All day long we are stuck in this spider web of attachments and cannot see beyond our confinement. We must get free from these wrong identifications and find our freedom in spiritual liberation. That is where karma acceleration comes in. We must make a commitment to get free. We must make this commitment to a point that is outside of us. We must clearly state: “I want to be free.”

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