Monday, January 31, 2022

From Noise to the Void

I have no intention of adding more noise to your head. There is most likely too much of it already. Thoughts, emotions, stories you are telling yourself about yourself and the world, pictures of life that flash through your brain. Much of it is unorganized, random, chaotic.

When you act with a purpose, then your mind focuses, and a crystal-clear image arises that you then attempt to project into the world. Your project develops and comes to completion. What then? Another project. And another. And another. You find your purpose in those projects.

Retirement from your chosen activity is not a good idea, because together with your activity, you are also losing your sense of purpose in life. This purpose anchors you, makes you happy.

What happens when the purpose in your mind stops, as in between projects or when you lose access to these projects? What do you do then with the chaos that you fall back into? How do you organize this chaos? Find a new purpose? Begin drifting from meaningless activity to meaningless activity? Fill up on drugs or alcohol to fool yourself into believing you are back at your best or even better than ever before?

The stillness you experience when you are engaged in a meaningful purpose is the only way out of the chaos. The noise turns into the void. The void, where there are no doubts, no insecurity, to hesitation, no conflict. The void, where you are truly yourself, the conscious you, the clear you, the purposeful you, the happy and blissful you.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

I am the One

I am the one who is looking at the white screen that is filling up with black characters. I am the one who is thinking about what to write next. It is me that realizes that it doesn’t matter what I write next, as long as I remain in the conscious state of me, looking out at the creation that I am producing with my typing fingers and with the help of the computer monitor and the PC.

I am creating. I am writing. I am thinking. I am feeling. I am aware of my environment, the chair pressing against my legs, the keyboard my fingers are touching, the sound of the TV coming from the living room, the lights that illuminate the room around me, the air my lungs breathe in, the warmth of the air, the heartbeats that pulse in my chest, the sense of urgency and purpose that fills my thoughts. “I must express myself in a conscious way, with clarity and purpose and direction and meaning.” There is a purpose, a point to my being here, now. I am here. I take up space in this creation. I am being nourished by this creation. I am thankful for that. I did not have a choice in coming here and existing. That was my parents’ choice alone. I am here, as are billions of other humans and many billions of members of other species.

We all exist. We did not ask to be here. We are here because an already existing organism had the need and means to propagate. I had the need to propagate at some earlier time in my life. I tried twice – unsuccessfully – to create an offspring. It didn’t take. Now I no longer have that need, although I would like my creations in the form of my writings and/or artworks to continue to exist after I am gone from this earth. They may, since they are on the internet, and that could be in existence for a long, long time.

Friday, January 28, 2022

What are the Benefits?

There always has to be a benefit in all that I do. What do I gain from doing something, anything? When I scratch my back, I relieve an itching back. When I eat something, I relieve a hungry stomach.

When I meditate, I find relaxation and peace. Without a benefit at the end of an activity, I would not engage in it. What would be the point?

To find happiness and comfort, I travel down many avenues in life, from material to spiritual ones. Light ones and dark ones. Some are wide open, others are like a tunnel. It doesn’t matter what kind; ultimately, they are all my avenues, not someone else’s. And only I can gain the most benefit from them. Nobody else. My experiences, my benefits, my growth, my life, my impact in this existence.

Someone once said that freedom of choice is the choice of either moving towards a purpose or away from it. That is similar to what I am saying. What benefits me most in life is finding a groove that leads to a meaningful purpose.

To focus on focusing on the Breath

Not just focusing on the breath, but consciously focusing on focusing on the breath. That way, the focus is on the Self, the power of the Self, the will power that will direct the mind to the essence of breathing.

The focus is on consciously breathing. To experience breath and knowing that I am experiencing it. It is the I am that experiences everything. There are things to be experienced and there is the experiencer. Objects and the subject. The inert objects – however alive they may seem – and the conscious subject – fully alive in the present.

The intention directs the will towards the object of observation, which becomes the focus. The first and foremost focus always needs to be the conscious Self. This is not an egoistic self, an egocentric self, a self that feels better or superior to other selves. It is the conscious Self in its vibrating crystal-clear scintillating revelation.

This crystal-clear conscious Self is one half of the experience of focusing on the breath. The other is the experience of the breath in the body itself. This is a powerful meditation. Clarity of mind and body energies are the results.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

How to deal with the pandemic

1. Listen to the experts.

2. Learn as much as possible from established sources.

3. Take anecdotal accounts into consideration.

4. Protect the ones you love.

5. Support everyone in all efforts to stay healthy and in recovering those who became ill.

6. Push back on misinformation that could harm people, the vulnerable.

7. Don’t argue and dispute with those eager to prove their point.

8. Nobody has all the answers, and nobody is right all the time.

Mill grinds to order

This is the order of the day. The mill of daily life grinds the individual into a shape that fits into the pattern formed by the surrounding shapes. Nothing happens in a vacuum. Nobody lives in a vacuum. We all grind up against others, against the environment in which we exist, the air we breathe, the waters we drink, the space we occupy, and the space we create for ourselves.

Our self-effort springs from our innate desire to stay alive. After we have provided for the necessities of life, we then venture out and create things to make our lives easier, prettier, more ornate, more elaborate, building up our material fortunes, our creative fortunes, our spiritual fortunes, our social fortunes, our political fortunes.

Once we have “enough” of the necessities of life, we either relax and sit back and simply enjoy our lives, or we become more ambitious and put our stamp on more than we “need” in an effort to shape this world in “our image.”

Monday, January 10, 2022

The Ghost in the Machine

I deleted this post, because I submitted it to the online magazine
They want online exclusivity.