Saturday, November 7, 2020

God is Power

God is power. Or better: the power, which is the cause of this existence, that we have called “god”. It does not matter by what name we call it, it still is, and always will only be, power.

Since it is pure power, this power can be used for any number of things, good or bad. Both sides in a conflict often pray to their god to give them the strength to overcome their opponent. The side that wins then gives credit to the victory to their god, while the defeated party feels that it was not faithful enough to their god and therefore god did not support their cause.

According to the Bible, Moses used the power of his god to overcome the power of the Egyptian gods. I believe that if we gave god some qualities, then we would be in a better position to judge which god is going to win out over other gods. And these superior qualities are: justice, righteousness, freedom, liberation, morality, upliftment, purification, love, understanding, camaraderie, brotherhood, sharing, generosity, compassion, empathy, peace.

Friday, November 6, 2020

About Purity and Perfection

One must understand what is of paramount importance. What is important? The purity of the soul. The perfection of life. Nothing else is important.

Purity and perfection are really the same thing. In purity we fall asleep and in perfection we wake up.

We must always continue to strive for purity in all we do. We must strive to keep our heads above the water of the turbulent mental streams that are threatening to drown us. We must not get sucked into these intense whirlpools of cravings.

We must remain free from them. Free in the clarity and purity of awareness. Free in the conscious Self. Free in the knowing of “who we are.”

“Who are we?” We are conscious entities; created to experience consciousness fully. Created by consciousness; created within consciousness; created to be consciousness.

The purity and perfection of consciousness. That is who we are and that is where our true home is and has always been.