We are all imprisoned in this body. We must be liberated from the down-weighing influences of the body. Our minds must lead us towards the freedom of the higher, unlimited spirit.
Body has its qualities, and there is nothing wrong with those. The body acts on the level of all the other material bodies in existence. There are rules in that material world. There are birth, maintenance, decay, and death. All those rules and tendencies are quite natural.
But, we, the soul, are imprisoned in this body and are struggling to get free. This struggle has been going on since we were born. We want to express who we are, our inner truth of our being.
We search for this freedom everywhere. Some of us find it, most of us do not, in this life. But, regardless of whether we are aware of this search for freedom or not, it goes on in all of us, and even in spite of us. The spirit never rests. We may sleep during the night and become unaware of what is happening, but inside of us, there is constant evolution toward the freedom of the soul.
We humans are not the only living species on this planet that desires to find liberation. Other species have the same naturally inborn tendency. When we get the chance to assist others in finding liberation, we must step up and provide help and guidance.
Freedom is what we all seek. Or: freedom is all we seek.