I need to talk more about Raja Yoga.
Purity is the key to Raja Yoga. In fact, Raja Yoga is all about purity. Purity of body, mind, and spirit.
Why purity of body?
Because, eating and drinking injurious foods is entirely harmful to the body. Natural, unprocessed foods are best. Avoid anything that is a stimulant, such as caffeine and sugars. Stay away from anything that can become addictive.
Why purity of mind?
Because, in the mind you experience life. Clouded thinking will give no clear realization of the true nature of life. Learn to focus and pierce the ceil of outer appearances to see the purity and perfection within. Purity is at the core of everything. Allow your mind to get to that level of existence and see for yourself.
Why purity of spirit?
You may ask, “Isn’t the spirit naturally pure?” Everything is in essence pure. The spirit are your hopes and dreams, your aspirations. To focus your attention on objects of true purity elevates your spirit to the realm of purity and perfection.
So, that is what the practice of Raja Yoga is all about. It is pretty simple, with tremendous results. You will feel better, be happier, more fulfilled, with more love for all in your heart.
The basic needs are food and shelter. After that comes the nourishment of the higher functions through emotional, intellectual, artistic and spiritual pursuits.
What service do you provide for others? Are you helping people find more freedom in the pursuit of higher values or are you binding them more to their lower needs? In other words, are you truly enriching their higher values so that their existences may truly blossom?
What are your true intentions towards others?
To follow a leader is something that is natural to social beings, like humans. As long as humans benefit from following this leader, they will continue to be his/her supporters. Peace and prosperity are desirable, while war and poverty are not.
It is also important to serve a cause higher than one’s self. To strive for a betterment of all of life is of vital necessity to keep up one’s spirit. The principle of “From darkness to light” is something that should guide every human.
Ignorance must be overcome. Small-mindedness and prejudice must be uprooted. Equality in all and for all must be striven towards.
Leaders must arise to guide people from areas of darkness in their lives to full enlightenment.
As long as people believe in a god, this god will exist. Take away the worshippers and god will dwindle to nothing. God feeds off the beliefs of people, getting his/her strength from their personal energies.
In a way, religious places, such as churches, temples, mosques, shrines, etc., are like storehouses of energy. People’s prayers fill them with energy. As long as the prayers continue, these places will remain charged up.
People in despair can come to these “charging stations” and receive energy back from these religious “batteries.”
So, where does that leave god? Is a god really necessary for the existence of these “charging stations?” Not really.
Holiness does not need a divine vehicle to exist. The strive towards the light, away from darkness and ignorance, is a natural strive that is active in all life forms.
Ever since people started thinking about the origin of this creation, they attempted to find answers to their questions. The idea of a god exists, because the people before us believed in a god, and the people before them did also. It is engrained in our thinking.
The ultimate answer to the ultimate question of, “How did existence come into being?” was answered with the simple notion that there had to be a creator who was responsible for it all. With this creator than came a set of principles “explaining” how this creator operates and how he/she wants us to operate in his/her creation.
All this conjecture about god is totally and 100% human-made. Which makes it pretty clear that it is not a god who is the parasite, but those who claim to be the intermediary between humans and god, even if done with the best intentions.
Religion itself is a declaration of war against the forces of materialism.